Comforted by Love

I have written a series of stories on this blog about a discussion between two cousins on the topic of Christian universalism.  I am preparing to write the fifth installment of that series now and have been impressed over the last week how much comfort this belief brings me in my life.  Briefly, the doctrine of Christian universalism is the belief supported by the majority of the first Christians that, in the end, all are reconciled to God’s love.  I struggled for so many years to feel accepted by God.  Now, you can get to a point where you feel like God accepts you without believing in universalism.  However, there’s something that remains tainted in your mind when you believe that this same God who accepts YOU, is going to reject forever many of those you love and care about.  I could never quite get a strong enough love for God until I accepted that He saves all eventually.  In short, I’m comforted only to the extent that I believe God’s love extends to all people and that He will never give up on anyone or throw anyone away.  I could not love a God who would do that.  And, I could not feel loved completely by a God who loves me because I just happened to believe the right thing or live the right kind of life.  I am comforted by the love of a God who truly is for all people and loves each one the same, including me.  I have written about this before, but I just thought I would post right now how this is impacting me as I continue to study.  Have a good weekend!